Cutting the Sacred Pole

Sung by Jerren Elk

Song No. 11 • Catalog No. 451
Densmore recording sung by Šiyáka (Teal Duck)



From Teton Sioux Music by Frances Densmore:

While the tree (or Sacred Pole) was being felled, only those directly involved in the ceremony could be close to the tree.

The singer seeks Black Face Paint, a sign of earned honor and respect.

Cutting the tree for the Sun Dance Pole was an important part of the ceremony and many went to witness it.

The tree for the Sun Dance pole was a standing tree which was particularly fine with respect to straightness, branching and fullness of leaf.

Throughout this part of the ceremony, the tree was regarded as an enemy, and a shout of victory arose as it swayed and fell. Care was taken that it did not touch the ground.

This song was sung during that ceremony.


Itésabye owále čha héčhamuŋ we
Šúŋkawakȟáŋ owále čha héčhamuŋ we

I seek black face-paint and so I am doing this
I seek horses and so I am doing this