Lakota Songs
The Densmore Repatriation Project is named for ethnomusicologist Frances Densmore of Red Wing, Minnesota, who made her first visit to the Standing Rock Reservation in 1911.
Densmore recorded traditional songs on a hand-cranked, wax cylinder recorder and spoke with dozens of tribal elders. The songs she recorded, many over 100 years old, had been passed down for generations. Densmore documented this work in her book Teton Sioux Music, which contained additional stories and insights into Lakota/Dakota life and became a touchstone for learning about the culture.
This work of Densmore’s has been in storage for over 100 years. The purpose of the Densmore Repatriation Project is to re-introduce these songs and stories and make them easily accessible for a new generation of Native singers and educators.
Hear more than 70 songs from the collection re-recorded in 2022.
Watch 30 videos providing context and history for individual Lakota songs.
Watch videos explaining more about the project.
Read eight guides for further study.
Download an updated e-book version of Teton Sioux Music.

Contact Us
In 1927, Densmore wrote:
“Research work is only worthwhile when its results are transmitted to others.”
That's the purpose of this project: to transmit what she called research work to others, particularly the people who it belongs to.

Jerren Elk, Spencer Little Owl, Kendall Little Owl, Khannie Tobacco, Kelcie Two Shields, Cody Wasinzi, Courtney Yellowfat, and John Eagle Shield, Jr.
MacKenzie Sheridan and Donovan Day
Virgil Taken Alive, Courtney Yellowfat, Mary Louise Defender Wilson, Kevin Locke, Cedric Goodhouse, Evelyn “Sissy” Goodhouse, Thomas Red Bird, Michael B. Moore, Dana Yellowfat, D.J. Two Bears, Terry Yellowfat, John Thomas Eagle Shield, Sr. and Tim Mentz, Sr.
Bush Foundation (Ramala Bile), ND Council on the Arts (Troyd Geist), Humanities North Dakota (Brenna Gerhardt), and Dakota Legacy (Jim Christianson)
David Swenson (Producer), Courtney Yellowfat (Co-producer, primary cultural advisor), Michael Glatt (Management), and Dennis Neumann (Information officer, official photographer)
Ledger art by Tesla Belcourt