Song in Honor of Two Bears

Sung by Jerren Elk

Song No. 188 • Catalog No. 454
Densmore recording sung by Šiyáka (Teal Duck)



From Teton Sioux Music by Frances Densmore:

Matȟó-núŋpa (Two Bears) was the head chief of the Lower Yanktonai band of Sioux.

A record concerning this man is preserved in the report of the Indian agent for the year 1874. This record is as follows:

“On the 1st of July I was informed that a party of young men had left this  agency to make war on Indians up  the river. I asked the principal chiefs  to stop these proceedings. They promptly responded by sending their soldiers out, who overtook the war party and brought them back. The conduct of Chief Two Bears and Chief Antelope on this occasion deserves particular credit.”