Ceremonial Song
Sung by Courtney Yellowfat and Cody Wasinzi
Song No. 3 • Catalog No. 648
Densmore recording sung by Matȟó Itȟúŋkasaŋ (Weasel Bear)
From Teton Sioux Music by Frances Densmore:
After the Alówaŋpi or Huŋká (adoptions) ceremony, the decorated wand of corn used became the property of the child for whom the ceremony had been performed. Liberal rewards were given to those who performed this ceremony.
Looking Elk (Heȟáka Wakíta), a Teton Sioux, said: “It is strictly believed and understood by the Sioux that a child is the greatest gift from Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka, in response to many devout prayers, sacrifices, and promises. Therefore the child is considered ‘sent by Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka.”
A young girl for whom the ceremony had been performed might wear a calfskin robe. The decoration on this robe indicates that the wearer had taken part in the ceremony, and also that her relatives had been successful in war.
The celebration of this ceremony placed a child in a highly respected position in the tribe. Such a child was “recognized by all as ranking above an ordinary child.”
Matȟó Itȟúŋkasaŋ (Weasel Bear) with his wife and child